How do I apply credits to my virtual visit?

Credits may be awarded for a number of reasons, including missing or cancelling a virtual visit.

To access your credits on your computer:

1. Log in to your HealthTap account

2. Go to your “Account” menu on the top right hand corner of your screen


3. Scroll down and you will see a section called "Credits Available" which will show you how many credits have been awarded and are available to useScreen_Shot_2021-12-08_at_4.02.56_PM.png

To apply your credits:

  1. Once you're ready to apply the credits, you'll need to begin the process by visiting our Primary Care or Urgent Care clinic
  2. Once you've chosen the right clinic for your needs, you will need to select and follow the steps required in order to speak with a doctor
  3. Before you are connected with a doctor, you will hit a payment screen where your existing credits will be applied towards the visit fee only which is captured below


To access your credits on your on your smartphone or device:

  1. Log in to your HealthTap account
  2. Tap "Account" on the bottom right hand side 
  3. Scroll down and you will see a section called "Credits Available" which will show you how many credits have been awarded and are available to use
  4. Begin the process by visiting our Primary Care or Urgent Care clinic 
  5. Once you've chosen the right clinic for your needs, you will need to select and follow the steps required in order to speak with a doctor
  6. Before you are connected with a doctor, you will hit a payment screen where your existing credits will be applied towards the visit fee