It is easy to update your Preferred Pharmacy to ensure your prescriptions from your HealthTap virtual visits are ready for you fast at a convenient pickup location of your choice. You have the ability to update your Preferred Pharmacy information through your profile as well as right before you initiate a virtual visit with a doctor.
Updating your Preferred Pharmacy information in your profile:
1. Log in to your HealthTap account
2. Select "Records"
3. In the Records menu, select "Preferred Pharmacy" from the options on the left
4. If you do not have a preferred pharmacy yet select "+ Add Preferred Pharmacy."
If you already have a pharmacy entered and wish to change it, select the trashcan icon to delete the current pharmacy. You can then select "+ Add Preferred Pharmacy"
5. You may select (but do not have to):
- 24-hour if it is a 24-hour pharmacy
- Mail-order if it is a pharmacy that mails your medication to a specific place
6. Search your pharmacy by either city or zip code
7. Select your pharmacy from the drop-down search list that is generated. You may need to scroll down (within the drop-down menu) in order to see all matching pharmacies.
8. Once you have clicked on your desired pharmacy choose "Select"
9. Once you have selected your pharmacy, it should appear in your preferred pharmacy tab like so:
Updating your Preferred Pharmacy right before a Virtual Visit:
- Log in to your HealthTap account
- Start the virtual visit flow by selecting the Urgent Care or Primary Care clinic
Please select who the visit is for. If you have any dependents (under the age of 18) they will be listed here for you to select
Next, please verify your location. If the location listed does not match your current location, you can select "(change)". Once you begin typing, a list of search results will appear. Choose your desired location by clicking on it
Select "Next"
On the next page, please select the main reason for visit from the menu options.
Once you've selected your main reason for visit, you'll want to include a detailed explanation of why you need to see a doctor. The explanation must be at least 3 words and under 1000 characters. When you are finished, select "Next"
On the next page, you will be prompted to enter or verify information about yourself. You must enter all of the information to proceed. To add or change the information in any section, select "Edit" in the bottom right corner of that box. Once you add/change the information in a section, select "Save" to save the information to your profile. All information must be saved before you can proceed
At the bottom of the page, you must select a preferred pharmacy for any potential prescriptions that are prescribed through HealthTap. You can search your pharmacy by name, city, or postal code. If you do not initially see your preferred pharmacy, you can scroll down within the search results. Once you have selected your preferred pharmacy, select "Save" to save this information to your profile